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Harjasleen Gulati

About Me

I'm Harjasleen Gulati, a rising senior at Oregon State University studying CS + Poli Sci. I am currently a Software Engineering Intern at Apple working on the Developer Tools team. I have previously interned at two early-stage startups (Tend and Hoovie) where I have worked on software engineering, growth and worn several other hats. I have also been a Product Manager for Develop For Good.

I love learning as much as I can about startups, tech policy, venture capital, and how tech is being applied to make longlasting social impact. When I am not coding, you will most likely find me hiking, volunteering for political campaigns, finding new coffee shops and restaurants, or meeting new people!



HTML, CSS, React, React-Bootstrap, Bootstrap, Emotion

Binge-It uses the TMDb API recommends movies to watch during a binge watching session based on the genre and the duration of the intended binge watching session. Users can view top rated and upcoming movies, filter movies based on genre, and search for movies. Built collaboratively with two others.

Github Repo
Weather Forcast App

HTML, CSS, React, Emotion

Weather Forcast App utilizes the OpenWeather API to display a city's weather forcast for the next five days in three-hour incriments.

Github Repo

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tweeter is a simplified version of Twitter that allows users to create tweets and search for tweets according to their keywords.

Github Repo

HTML, CSS, Node.js, JavaScript

Grab-A-Gift uses eBay's Browse API to recommend gifts after a user has completed a short quiz about the gift recipient. It also displays trending gifts and the gifts our team recommends. Built collaboratively with three others.

Github Repo
Neuro Diverse Living

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Built a website for Neuro Diverse Living using GiveCloud, a CMS platform designed for nonprofits. Was a co-PM + Developer in five-person team of PMs, developers, and designers through Develop For Good.
